Copy this URL to your clipboard and use as you wish:
Remember, it gets triggered whenever someone requests the URL.
If the URL is requested as an image (e.g. <img src="">) then a 1x1 image is served. If the URL is surfed in a browser than a blank page is served with fingerprinting Javascript.
【辅助软件】辅助软件大全_辅助软件下载—ZOL手机软件:2 天前 · ZOL手机软件下载频道免费提供热门实用的辅助软件手机软件下载,24小时不间断更新,让您便捷下载,放心使用,下载更多辅助软件请关注中关村在线手机手机软件下载频道。
Copy this URL to your clipboard and use as you wish:
The token is similar to the Web token, however, when the link is loaded the view will be immediately redirected to the specified redirect URL.
Ideas for use:
Copy this URL to your clipboard and use as you wish:
The token is similar to the Fast Redirect token, however, when the link is loaded the user's browser / browser plugin information is captured.
Ideas for use:
Copy this hostname to your clipboard and use as you wish:
Remember, it gets triggered whenever someone performs a DNS lookup of the hostname.
The source IP address shown in the alert is the
Ideas for use:
tail -f /var/log/auth.log | awk '/Accepted publickey for/ { system("host") }'
Here is a unique email address:
Remember, it gets triggered whenever someone sends an email to the address.
Ideas for use:
You'll get an alert whenever this document is opened in Microsoft Office, on Windows or Mac OS.
You can rename the document without affecting its operation.
Ideas for use:
You'll get an alert whenever this document is opened with Acrobat Reader, regardless of the user's security preferences in Reader.
You can rename the document without affecting its operation.
Ideas for use:
Unzip this file in a folder, and get notified when someone browses the folder in Windows Explorer. It will even trigger if someone is browsing the folder via a network share!
The alert will include the network domain and username of the browsing user, if present.
Ideas for use:
Save this file and deploy on Windows machines:
App Store切换到日本区的方法:如何在不换Apple ID的情况下切换到日本区的app store.这样可伡方便的用手机日淘了. 工具/原料 apple id帐号 方法/步骤 打开手机中的"设置",找到"itunes store 与 app store" 点击"apple id&q ...
Ideas for use:
Use this Javascript to detect when someone has cloned a webpage. Place this Javascript on the page you wish to protect:
豌豆伟理 - 一款互联网大数据伟理IP营销软件:2021-4-24 · 豌豆伟理—IP伟理软件为什么很受欢迎 2021-07-24 豌豆伟理—直播人气补量用什么伟理ip好?2021-07-06 豌豆伟理—已开通城市列表 2021-06-09 豌豆伟理—伢质互联网大数据IP营销软件 …
Ideas for use:
The next step is to copy the SQL snippet below and run in your SQL Server database.
When the actions are run, your Canarytoken will be triggered.
Since DNS is used as the underlying transport, the Source IP will be that of a DNS server, not the databserver.
Ideas for use:
芝麻伟理IP软件 - 千万稳定动态IP切换,IP伟理覆盖全国:2021-6-6 · 芝麻伟理ip软件是国内专业的ip伟理服务器提供商,提供http伟理,API接口和自动换IP伟理软件,千万高匿名ip覆盖全国随意切换,支持PC、iOS、安卓,高效稳定免费试用,国内ip伟理软件、http伟理 …
When someone scans the QR Code with a reader, it will trigger the URL tied to your token and fire an alert.
Ideas for use:
Run this SVN command in a dummy repo:
Remember, it gets triggered whenever someone clones the SVN repo.
Don't forget to run
svn commitafter you've added the token.
The source IP address shown in the alert is the
Ideas for use:
Copy this credential pair to your clipboard to use as desired:
This canarytoken is triggered when someone uses this credential pair to access AWS programmatically (through the API).
The key is hyper unique. i.e. There is 0 chance of somebody having guessed these credentials.
If this token fires, it is a clear indication that this set of keys has "leaked".
Ideas for use:
Copy this credential to your clipboard to use as desired:
This canarytoken is triggered when someone uses this credential to access Slack (through the Web API for example).
If this token fires, it is a clear indication that this Slack API key has been "leaked".
扶墙机场推荐-GLaDOS 通用网络游戏加速器 | 畅游星海 ...:2021-9-9 · GLaDOS 通用网络游戏加速器现在扶墙的难度越来越大,SS流量基本已经被精准识别,6月份就封停了不少扶墙服务器。由此看来自建VPS已经不是最佳的选择,第一是白嫖的门槛越来越高,第二是 …